Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Hattie is One......

                                     HAPPY BIRTHDAY HATTIE !

Friday, 1 April 2011

April Fool.....Yo!

April the First...oh yeah, can't catch me out.............I'm on the look out for any little tricks that may come my way.............

   Got to be honest, Mummer spotted this one first........she can be canny when she wants!
      Someone's stuck an apple here.........looky, on the tree.......

                     ................and another here................good eh?

        Now, I found this one my darlinngs, and was rubbing my neck, this way and that know how ya do................ah! loverly..........dead bird.............UNTIL....

                   .........Mummer found out what I was doing.   Let's just say, "She wasn't ready for that one!"   One all!

                And then I won the final "not coming back"!  Yup, not coming back to have my lead put on..........................  Mummer was quite frustrated by the end.
   She thought I'd grown out of all that!      April Fool Mummer!

                      Seems she was quite glad to get me back in the car.........

Monday, 28 March 2011

The Big Clean Up......

             Sunday morning stroll, look left, and what have we here, my lovelies.......

Soldiers, soldiers ......on the River Front (Our River Front) with rope.....
Stand to ATTENTUN!

 "Thames21".....amazing OUR River..........LOOK..........

                 Don't look this way Darlings, nothing to do with me...........

                   And there's the rest of it......................Yay!

             Yeah, looks friendly, trying to charm me, but I've got 'is number........
                         if that's going over the edge........I'm watchin' guys.....I'm watchin'!!!
             This trolley took AGES to heave, two, three........heave!!!
                                                Big feet.........

                                 Now this WAS scary...................

                                           I had to paw it..............
                              ........bark at it, to make sure it was COMPLETELY safe...
                                                    (and it was!)
                            Being the 'obligagitory' dog at these proceedings, (obviously
                     an important role) you can't help but end with a bit of mud on your nose!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

It's a tough job.......

             A parcel....yay!   Addressed to Yours Truly.......... Smells So Good!

                         I know a good parcel when I smell one!

                       OMG....... REAL TASTY TREATS.........................

           I'm the super taster of super tasters........  They've sent these to ME to
              sample  (are they MAD!)....before they're marketed!

               All from Lizzie's Barkery (get it?).   Lamb and mint, liver and garlic,
                       Banana and peanut butter, salmon, cheese and apple.....

                   Hold on................I think there's more..............

                                         Yup............... turkey roast.......

                       Hold on...........not sure, can we start again....there was one there
                ..........I felt needed slightly more ............Doh!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Bens' Birthday

            Bens Birthday.......35 todayand we visit him in his flat! Let's first
                                 of all check the contents of the bag......

                                       Uh!  There must be something else to do.......

                 Shrieks at this point from Ben as my legs and cables became entwined
                            Mummer never panics, Ben is suggesting
                                     I visit less never!  Eek!

                     We're 12 floors up, and can see right over London.....

                           I wonder whats going through Bens mind at this point......

                       Mummer gets out a stuffie for me..........

                       Always good when you're under stress..................

                                 Ah!      That'll do........ Happy Birthday Ben!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

An' it's all for Charidee.......

                   On yer marks.......wearing the ridiculous hat in public, we go
                      collecting.................... fer Charidee.............

                    Cute eh?      It's for Marie Curie......nursing care for terminally ill
                             cancer patients.................mummer was affected by cancer
                        before she had me, hah!  I was her gift to herself after chemo...
                       ...........bloody good choice darlings, even if I do say it mayself,,,,,,,,,,,

                                     Always ready to help....................

                   And at the end of the day, mummer found me alseep with this
                     this box.........taking the weight of my'll notice
                   my lovelies, in taking this picture, she's woken me............


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Spring, my darlings........

                  Spring, my darlings................has jolly well sprung.............

Monday, 28 February 2011

On a very sad note.......

                   Yesterday.......we walked down the end of 'our' pier to find
                      tributes to a 19 year old lad who last Sunday, threw himself
                    from the end...................  OMG   just 19!

                                           RIP  Frankie !