Saturday, 8 January 2011

The Pier

As you can see darlings, it's a bit of a gloomy day.   But nothing stops our little outings.  Today, we're
along Erith Pier on the River Thames.......

                  The tide is just starting to come in....... the odd shopping trolley down there.......

                   Let's leave no stone unturned.......or never know darlings......

                               I can't imagine the repercussions...............ouch!

                      And at the end of the pier, what have we here......... what looks to be the perpetraitors
                                 of said 'back casting'.       Very dangerous for passing dales......

                                      Right, I think we've cleared that one up, then!  NO MORE BACK CASTING!

                   On the way back I spy.......well do you like my preying pose?   They'll never see me.....

                            Except by the time I get there, they're ALWAYS gone!     Bugger darlings!

                  Still, nice little find here. Managed to grab a few mouthfulls.......noodles! Always ready to experience new delights...........mmmmm!!


  1. yummmmmmm, we love onies too, Hattie! It sure looks cold on that pier!
    Please send us your snail mail address so we can mail your blue purse out to you on Monday - maggiesue710 at yahoo dot com

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. Hattie that back casting sounds a wee bit dangerous!

    Looks like you had a good time.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx
