Monday, 22 November 2010

Don't forget the fruitgums mum.............

Yay....mummers been to my special 'foodie' shop.    Put the bag down mummer, let's check it's all there.......

             Smelling good..........

                      Pigs ears.......check!

                     Let's get in there.......Tripe and bonios......check!

A dog can't hold out much longer......let's set free a bonio or three........

And then right at the bottom......I found THIS!

         Darlings, I'm mortified!


  1. Hahahaha!
    Love it!
    Finni's beard stinks too! Don't know where he's put it? He's having a professional 'Airedo' on wednesday, hehe.
    Nelly x

  2. We love bonio's one of our favo's!

    Hmmmmm ..not sure about the Smell doggie thingie. Maybe a bonio or two will help you get over the shock?

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  3. Very nice foodables in the shopping bag Hattie.

    Molly, Taffy and Monty
