Sunday, 31 October 2010

The end of British Summertime.....

.......and the clocks go back!

and on our walk today, we (mummer) was still on 'old' time, so we were pretty much alone!
IN THE RAIN......But that's ok.........

I searched for my usual pals, but I guess they were on 'new' time, and not up yet.....

No worries, we'll be on everyone else's time tomorrow.........won't we?     Won't we?


  1. Of course you will Hattie :)

    Noah Willow Tess Lucy

  2. WE are pawsitive you will see your friends tomorrow Hattie.
    We were rather lazy and had the extra hour in bed with our paws up.

    Molly, Taffy and MOnty

  3. We're sure you will meet up with your friends tomorrow Hattie. We finally met up with ours today!
    Nelly x

  4. Oh what a shame maybe your friends didn't like to get their paws wet or they got confused over this time and clock buisness. It wore us out..too many clocks to change!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx
